International Small Bore Silhouette Shooting Match 2023
Kære skytter.
På vegne af NSA inviterer jeg dig til vores International Small Bore Silhouette shooting Match 2023.
Yderligere oplysninger og registreringsformularen findes i bilagene. Sørg for at udfylde formularen digitalt så meget som muligt.
Du er velkommen til at sende denne invitation til andre skytter, der kan være interesserede.
Tilmeldingen lukker 23. oktober 2023.
Vi ses i Stein,
Med venlig hilsen
Yvo Curfs – match director
Django Goffin, secretary NSA
Wilfried Ramakers – match bureau
———————- English Version ————————-
Dear shooters.
On behalf of the NSA I invite you to our International Small Bore Silhouette shooting Match 2023.
Further information and the registration form can be found in the attachments. Please make sure you fill out the form digitally as much as possible.
Feel free to send this invitation to other shooters who may be interested.
Registration closes October 23, 2023.
See you in Stein,
Yvo Curfs – match director
Django Goffin, secretary NSA
Wilfried Ramakers – match bureau