Danske deltagere, se denne side.
Signup for Danish Championship Steel Challenge 2023 begins monday 15/5, 20:00.
We’re using SteelMatch.de for the signup. You can shoot one division per block (A, B, C). If you shoot the division multiple times, only the the first will count for match result.
All main match signups will be placed on a waiting list (choose squad 49 or 50) . Only Danish competitors will be approved for the first 7 days, competitors from other countries will be approved in order of signup after this period.
If Saturday is sold out, we’ll add the possibility of shooting Sunday as well.
See the invitation. Price €27 for first round, €14 for subsequent rounds. Please use a SEPA transfer and add €1 for bank costs, when transferring fees from outside of Denmark. Add SC23 and your competitor numbers as a comment. Transfer your entry fee within 7 days.
Transfer info:
IBAN: DK6030004681480226
Supplementary information:
Account benificiary: Bo Stampe Madsen
Address: Vangevej 2, 7150 Barrit, Denmark
We use the Nordic Steel Challenge rules (IPSC pistol divisions + rimfire pistol open and iron sights).
Maximum calibre is .38. Magnum loads are not allowed. Wadcutter projektiles are not allowed. Minimum muzzle velocity 200 m/sec.
Previous Steel Challenge experience is required!